Sunday, January 17, 2010

Wondeful weekend - Let Christ be Preached

It's been an eventful weekend that just passed.

Yes... there are photos inside this entry.

Joseph 4 Life Group Welcoming Party

Started the weekend with a Joseph 4 Life Group Welcoming Party at Eddie's place. Had a great time chillin' out with them all... had great food... ooo, yummy salad, coke chicken, vegetarian veggies, pakchoy veggies, fish, sausages, thai curry, lasagne, rice, eggs... etc.. the list goes on. So much food that there were so much leftovers. First time at a life group with so much leftover food! Wahaha... (apart from the time last year when Jace cooked 2 big trays of baked pasta...) wahaha....

Joseph JG Advance 2010

Then had the whole of Saturday at JG Advance with the Joseph district. Hm... it was, different. Very unlike what I expected... they said, 'Workin' adults gotta chill more'. Hm... I guess it's different when you're a working adult in Judah groups! They don't chill!! LOL~ So... it's prolly a good transition... and I believe as the year goes, I'll be able to understand and explain more as I experience it myself.

...Interesting Conversation at JG Advance over lunch...

During JG Advance I kinda had a chance to chat with other JGs/Leaders over lunch.. and some how the conversation landed on music.. song writing... and then towards songs in the entertainment industry and celebrities. A comment was passed, with no intention of judging, in regard to the authenticity of the faith of these artistes with regard to their conversion and purposes of being Christian.

As to whether or not their faith is authentic or not, it is not for us to judge. But I believe we can pray... whether or not it's a sudden conversion, but I believe as they profess Jesus to be Lord and Savior, the Spirit is already at work in their hearts.

As I was taking my shower, the Spirit reminded me of a verse in the Bible, that so assured me in regards to God's hand in the entertainment industry.... and His work in the hearts of this artistes... whether or not they have backslided or whether or not they are using Christ's name for the sake of their own gain and fame. May the following verses speak to you... :)

It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. The latter do so in love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains. But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice...
- Philippians 1:15-18 (NIV) emphasis added

 "for whoever is not against us is for us."
- Mark 9 :40 (NIV)

I really do believe that God is going to do something in the entertainment industry... and I believe it so strongly deep within. Holy Spirit - take over!

Cool bits of Sunday


Today was great too. I had a great lie in just to replenish my energy since I haven't had much rest since returning from Singapore. So I woke up around 10am, and just lazed around the house until 12pm for JG Muster.

...Saw Atieno...

I was so happy to see Atieno too! It's been so long since I met her... I thought I wasn't gonna see her in Brisbane again... which meant I'll have to fly over to Kenya for her wedding man! We had our long lost homegirl catch-up over a few 15 minutes... and it was funny cuz I seemed to know more people in the African Life Group than she did. Ah... I'm part of the 'crew' you know... can you feel it? Haha.. I'll be prayin' for you girl! She's having to have some time transitioning back to Brisbane... and I know how that feels.
Girl, I'll be meetin' you soon yeah....

...JG Muster...

Had a good JG muster... followed by woolshed with my awesome mates... and just chillin' over pizza and coffee at Schonell pizza cafe. Ahh... I really miss them... and will be missing them as I hop over to Joseph group ya know? But I guess this isn't the first time people come and go... and I believe what has been established by God cannot be easily shakened! God is GOOD!

...Serving in Security...

Had a great time being Security too... caught up with Maggie and got to know about her story with Richard. Hee... they're getting married in August.. how nice...! Vicky Qiqi came to church too and brought a guest whom she met along the street too! God is good!

...Catching up with different ones...

It was also fun to catch up with many ones in Church... those whom I'm close with and those whom I'm not very close with. But it was encouraging to have people, just like a family, who recognised your presence, when you were there.. and when you were not there.

...An encouraging brother...

I was pretty encouraged by a brother who came up to me to tell me how important Security personels were.. and just being able to show concern when he heard me coughing. I wished I had the same courage to approach others this way... sometimes, I see someone in need, but I hesitate to show concern, as much as I want to. The Bible says that faith is completed by actions! I can't just want to help, encourage or comfort someone.. I have to DO IT! May I find courage to exercise faith.

You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did.
- James 2:22 (NIV)

...Dinner with Judah 6...

Had dinner with Judah 6 too... and it was awesome. I'm so so so gonna miss everyone... I believe though 2009 was a year of trials and difficulties... yet God delivered me through those times, and set me standing firmer than I was before.

He also placed an awesome bunch of friends in my life... making 2009 a wonderful and enjoyable time amidst the difficulties! Friends whom know what I'm thinking even before I say something... great team of P&W musician and leaders who knew what each other mean just by eye contact... and just deep bonding and praying brothers and sisters who would go all out to stand by one another. Judah 6 2000... people of Faith, Hope and Love. Keep shining for God wherever you go!!


...Met Nicole...

Also met a new friend - Nicole. They said that the two of us are very alike and crazy... Haha... Judah 6 will have lots of fun with her around... wahaha... it somehows reminded me of the 'Hi My Sweetheart' show that went along the line, "If fate made you lose one Da Lang, then fate will give you another Da Lang."
Wahaha...... Don't understand? It's ok!! Not important! :)

...Caught up with Evelyn...

Caught up with Evelyn too.. she sent me home and we chat for awhile in the car! Yeah.. we'll be having a great time over sweet potato leaves on Wednesday yeah? Hee hee...

...And the list goes on...

Yes.. many many little things.. I'm so blessed by the many different ones that God has placed in my life. And God is so awesome and real in my life... even in helping me adapt back in Brisbane. God is GOOD! Hee...

Gotta share this wonderful love of God to those who's not yet known Him! :) He is only.. good and GOOD!

Try him - 'Fits better than a T-shirt'. Hee.. stole my kor kor's line again.

I was also following on Jaeson Ma's blog... and read the story about the homeless man that God led him too. Let us look beyond our circumstances, weaknesses and inadequacies to see the world out there whom we can make a difference in - with whatever little we have.

His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!
- Matthew 25:23 (NIV)

May we use the little that we have, and let God multiply them as we are faithful with what He's given us!

Alright... time to do my Japanese homework.. and then go to sleep for a great day at work tomorrow!

Ah.. it's gonna rain.. think it's gonna be a nice night to sleep! God is good! :) Oh, overshot my blogging time again... better go now!

Some prayers you could help me with! Thank youuuuuuu~! :)

- God to help Atieno transit back into life in Brisbane and help her to know which direction to take during her stay here to most efficiently fulfill God's plans for her.
- God to protect and cover my sheep, Evelyn, and pour forth His manifold wisdom upon her life as she begin to see what God is doing in her life!
- God to protect and cover my sheep, Jenny, as she go back to China for a 2 month holiday, and to continue to be real and tangible in her life.
- God favour in my work as I fully return to work tomorrow!

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