Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Jet of Prayer's Gon - TAKE OFF!! Woo!

A sequel to my previous entry... 

Yes... and like I said, he isn't free from temptations and the wants of the world. Disappointed as many would be... Jesus still loves this man.

The world at lost, falling into traps and temptations.. yet using the world's ways to redeem and vindicate themselves... Let us not be the judges... but let us pray. We can't do much... but we can pray.

I believe that LIGHT will shine forth in their lives... Friends, please pray... our small prayers joined together = great weapon! These people don't need more of us pointing fingers and judging them. They need our prayers. They need Jesus! Pray that God will send them the right people in their lives and provide their needs!

For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.
- Matthew 6:32 (NIV)

God knows best what Xiao Zhu needs... and God knows best what EVERYONE of us needs... Let us look to Him!! And pray that others will draw strength from Him too!!

Ah... yes.. and pray for the churches in Malaysia too... they're undergoing persecution by the Muslims right now and many churches are being attacked. Let us pray!

Last week when I was at Lighthouse Church, the pastor mentioned, "The effects of persecution = the growth of the Church."

When God's people are scattered, that is when the Gospel reaches out. Let us stop looking at ourselves, our difficulties... our abilities... but look beyond... and pray. Because we got only 2 hands and 2 legs... but all of us CAN pray.. whether or not we can speak or not, run or walk.. we pray.

It's gonna be a year of prayers! YES!
Prayers - take off!!

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