Sunday, January 31, 2010

Valuable Relationships

Had a good catch up with Atieno last night... spent great time just catching up on each other's lives over the past 1 and half years and more! Our conversations also further confirmed many visions that the Lord has placed within my heart. God is good!

And today....

Spent this morning some good time with God... and then followed by some good time with Kuzi..... and then some good time with Elysaa during lunch...

And some good time at church...

Ended the day with some good time with my new life group - Joseph Four...

And now I'm back home, with my good O blog.

Thank God for the wonderful people He's placed around me and just being able to do life and share our visions with each other... yeah, Jesus is not about numbers. He's about people!

May the Lord help me see the people around me as individuals rather than numbers. God is GOOD!

Before I head off.... I just had this burden since yesterday till now to pray for Xiao Zhu...

I personally sense, especially recently, within my heart that he's being bogged down by the busyness of life that he's got no time to breathe and think properly. Though there is a lot of fame and wealth from what he's achieved, I do sense within that he's not fulfilled nor joyful. Yes, he may be happy... yet deep within he's seeking something, and outlet... This is not what people see on the news and gossip news... but behind the posters and TV... I believe, somewhere in his heart, he is seeking... an outlet.

Can you all join me in praying for this man? Very simply.... for God to touch him and to reveal to him his true purpose on earth. Pray that he will find God as his outlet as the world offers him many solutions that do not solve... but God will be his true refuge, strength, light and direction.

I don't know... but please join me in praying! :) Thank you!! (no.. I'm not crazy about him... haven't been catching up on him lately, but I just recently sensed this... especially when this burden has not left for the past 2 days...)

Prayer works!!! So let's pray!! Woo hoo!!

And so now...

Time to head to bed for a good o day of work tomorrow! Oohs!

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