Thursday, December 18, 2008

My Salvation Testimony

I shared how I got to know Jesus and how He touched and saved me earlier this year (Feburary) at Church.

Was supposed to post this up but I forgot! But then again, I'm thankful of the friends who have been reminding me... so yes, finally it's up! Sorry it took so long!

My Salvation Testimony
I will first start with a Bible verse that will depict how I was before and after I met Jesus.
In 1 Corinthians 13:13, it says “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” With that, I would like to use these three elements to speak of how I once again found these three elements in my life.
Before I became a Christian, I was a strong believer of Buddhism, a religion that did not believe in faith. I went to the temple to chant and studied deeply in their doctrines. I was so into the teachings and lifestyle that the thought of becoming a Buddhist nun crossed my mind many times. My strong believe in Buddhism grew me into a person who was anti-Christ and anti-faith.
I so strongly believed that Buddhists were the only people who knew how life operated and with all the teachings, I began to think that I was a person with great wisdom. I always thought that people who lived by faith were ignorant. And I went around labeling Christians as people who were ‘lost’.
In the past year, I came to church not with the intention to know more about God, but to find fault and error in the teachings, so that I could lead people away from God. However, that never happened. Time and again, I was touched by the love that Judah 5 showed to one another, and even to unbelievers like me. But I always brushed that off and labeled them as just trying to lure me into joining them.
In 2006, I had a boyfriend who was always in depression and no matter how I tried, I could not help him. He had also dabbled in black magic as a child and had a bondage to the spiritual world. There were even occasions I experienced spiritual presences that led me to be fearful of the dark ever since. It took me a year and a half to end the relationship because each time I tried to do so, he said he would die if I leave him. Eventually, the relationship ended but by then, I had lost hope in many aspects of life.
I felt that there was no point being too nice to others anymore, for it could probably just land me in such an unfixable situation. During that period, I felt that almost all the energy of my life has been sucked dry. I began to shun away from associating too much with people. The least I knew about the lives of others, the better it was. If I were to help others, it would be just because my body wants to, not because I love them. To me, love was just doing things to make others happy. Basically, at that point in time, my life consisted of nothing, but just doing things for the sake of doing things. There was no faith, no hope, and no true love.
Last year, Judah 5 and I came together to celebrate Eliza’s 21st birthday, where I wrote a song for her. Eliza came with me from Singapore was my closest friend since then. That day, I was touched by the love shown by every single one, and how everyone came together to make it possible, and that by myself it could never have happened. Not only that, I found that there was something lacking in my life. All the love I was able to give, and all the effort I could commit to a certain thing or all the ideas and songs I could write could not give me any fulfillment at all. Although this was just a small event, but it was the cause of the biggest turning point in my life.
That night, Rayson brought Yvonne, Eliza and I up to a mountain top and in his car, where for 2 – 3 hours, he shared about God. It wasn't the first time he shared. But that moment, I began to realize what I was trying to avoid. For a while, I had already begun to believe that Christianity is the religion that carried the most truth, and most logical explanation for everything. Yet, I was afraid to accept it, due to the fact that I didn’t want to step out of Buddhism, my comfort zone.
However, that night after I went home, this brother’s words lingered in my heart the whole night and I was unable to sleep. God’s love is true and I could no longer deny it… and so the very next day, I self-invited myself to join CDS in the afternoon and accepted Christ during my very first CDS lesson.
It was really a hard decision to make for me to abandon all my Buddhist lifestyle and teachings. That was how ‘attached’ I was to Buddhism. To me, it felt like I was breaking off with a life partner that has been with me for a long time. But from there, I felt the spirit of deception leave me, and I was opened in my spiritual eyes and ears. The moment I made the decision, I could sense God holding me and telling me that from that very moment onwards, He will guide me and be with me throughout everything. It was like entering a relationship with God, without bondages.
Looking back, being a person without faith, hope and love, I could not see where my life was heading. I’m glad and thankful that God has brought me into His kingdom and showed me that there is a place where I can start anew.
All the energy that I have once lost, He has now graciously given upon me. Now, putting my faith in God has helped me learn to trust and lean on Him in all occasions. He has taught me that one of the most important aspects in life is to have faith in Him, the provider of all creation.
God has also taught me during the Hope-filled seminar what true biblical Hope is. In my walk with Him, I have learnt to have a biblical expectation of life without bondages.
Last but not least, the greatest of all, God has taught me to love once again. Love with meaning and love that is true. For God has brought me to Him by showing me what true love is. I was touched by His love, and from there, I will fill myself with His love, and let it overflow to many other lives out there.
So as I have started, I would like to end with 1 Cor 13:13. “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Confession of Faith - Water Baptism

So, a December entry. Again the Lord has been challenging me in writing, and truly the passion is growing back. Sometimes I wonder why I've chosen Science, but then again, many the plans in a m
an's heart right. I'll let the Lord lead and light the way. And meanwhile, faithfully doing what I've been called to do, and serving as His Spirit leads.

"In his heart a man plans his course,
but the LORD determi
nes his steps."
- Proverbs 16:9 (NIV)

Even as I re-prioritised my life over the last year, I found myself not giving up writing - an extended limb for my life. Recently, I have found my novel/script again, and am continuing on writing my fourth story - Vanness' Teenage Love Story. Many might have found my first 2 stories, some lucky ones have read my 3rd one (which has been deleted because I forgot to lock it in the archive section), and some have been awaiting my fourth.

Anyway, cut the long story short. I was doing a little bit more research to write my fourth story and chanced upon a series of links - my 'kor kor's' blog. Ok.. I know I should stop saying this. Anyway, if you know who my 'kor' is... not da ge, but my 'kor kor', you know what I mean.

Anyways.. I should stop my broken English now, and just let the picture paint the story for your eyes. It touched me so much, and I don't know how much it means to you, but it did to me.
Praise God for the work He's done in so many different lives.

Then Jesus came to them and said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I will be with you always, to the very end of the age'"
- Matthew 28:18-20

Just something in his words, "In all the years of walking my walk I've never been baptized, or really knew what it meant......and now....I'm still figuring out and trying my best to be honest to myself and let God do the rest....God bless us all."

A picture tells a thousand words. I'm really touched and blessed by this. Some times, we wonder why other have more power than us. It reminds me of the story of Queen Esther, that she had to be placed at a place at a certain time to fulfill the plans God had for her.

This total humbling act of oneself is truly commendable.

This reminds me, I have yet to let all you my valuable friends know of my baptism too. It was on 10th October 2008 - 1 year 1 month and 1 day after I accepted our Lord Jesus Christ into my life.

Looking back, this year of 2008 has indeed been a fruitful one. I believe and look forward to more fruitfulness in the years ahead. Praying for all of ya.