Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 - Waiting on You

I asked myself what 2012 entails. Since 2010, I knew I had to go through 2011 to make it to 2012. Needless to say, that sounds bogan isn't it? But before you totally deprecate that statement, I'mma explain why.

2011 was a tough year. In some ways, it was fruitful. Yet at times, the momentum stood placid, aimless... pulling a trawler of excess baggage. I had to let some go, and continue with some. Sifting, you might call it.

But all these while, I've been waiting for the great 2012. Why? Something in my spirit tells me it's gonna be good. But the toll of 2011 lost me some of that hope, yet grew me deeper in faith, knowing what God has for me. All these while, I had plans for 2012. To do this, and to do that... to have this... to have that. To be here... and to be there.

Too much for what one could do in a year. What's gonna happen? To this day, I still don't know how it's going to happen. All I know is, my God, my Lord, my Saviour, my King, my Friend, and my Lover - Jesus, promised good to me... and a lot of those promises, are going to be fulfilled.


What will the year hold? What will I expect and achieve? I have many hopes and dreams... many desires to fulfill. But I have began this year by laying them at the feet of Jesus.

Two thing He's told me about 2012: Promises & Wait.

How amazing is God's covenant with man! Three times in a row He put a rainbow before me.. His promise to Noah, and His promise to me.

I only took a photo of 1 of the 3 rainbows I saw (different times, different days). The other two were captured in the camera of my memory, lenses - my eyes, and my heart.

Many times He spoke, through my heart, through media and through my Pastor - Wait on the Promises of God.

Yesterday, I broke down in the church service again. What God spoke through Pastor Wilson, hit home in my heart. The world may say there are coincidences in this world, but I say it's God. The rainbows, and the same messages... and at the altar call, two people prayed for me. I don't know if they realised, but both spoke what God spoke to me over the past week.

What's my future gonna be like? I really really don't know right now. But again, I know it's something GOOD.

I need miracles, I need breakthroughs... But most of all, I need my eyes fixed upon God.
More than the watchmen wait for the morning, I will wait for You.

2012, I have entered.

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
and in his word I put my hope.
My soul waits for the Lord
more than watchmen wait for the morning,
more than watchmen wait for the morning. 
- Psalm 130:5-6 (NIV)

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