Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Live, and love.

The world attempts strategies and formulas in protecting themselves. The greatest love that came down from Heaven, Jesus Christ, did nothing to protect Himself.

He gave.

He prayed.

He hurt.

He loved.

Being answerable to one's own hearts defines a person's life. To live in this complex world with endless strategies and ideologies might spite one to cover up the secrets of their heart. Some secrets are kept to protect. Protecting one self, or protecting another. Love protects. And love opens the door to getting hurt. But rather love, than not. May we never attempt to cover up what we really feel.

Whatever we feel, let's come in total transparency before God who knows the deepest of our hearts. He'll guide us through what we feel, and shine His light in our lives.

Sometimes, when proper words don't seem to come out in prayers anymore, pray in tongues, from the heart, from the Spirit that grieves and groans on our behalf.
And when too tired to even speak, you can cry.
Your tears, will be collected in the loving Father's hands... as liquid prayers.

Live, and love.

Living each day in thanksgiving.
Not a lover of heat, but this summer, I deeply appreciate the faithfulness of God in our lives.
Many complain about these few days of heat. But I know what could be worse.
This year's summer has already been greater than many years.

I won't complain about what I don't have... but I will get all that I can have.
And I will talk less... and pray more, knowing God is mighty in every situation.
Though I may not be able to reach beyond what I can do, I trust God is with us.
How we view God in our lives... will determine how we live our lives. :)

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