Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Self Amused + Truth without Photoshop

Decided to take a cyber stroll, and found myself re-reading my old days.
Me, I started blogging since 2003. For the longest time in my life, I wrote on only one blog/diary. All the way till 2008, I found myself paddling between two blogs - this and the old. In 2009, I totally gave up my previous blog... and began filling the new wine skin.

Looking back at those previous entries totally amused, or should I say, amazed me.
Year 2003, that meant I was sixteen going seventeen.
I wonder how this blog will look in another 10 years' time!
Oh well.

Prayer for a Friend

A couple of things have already made it's mark in 2012 for me. Couple of shocking news for a friend I've been praying for since I knew her. From a distance not too far, nor too near, I watched her make it through a couple of significant life stages in her life. All these while I kept her in my prayers, and watched her go through those stages. And in this season, she undergoes another massive life changing stage for her... one that many wouldn't want to go through. But for me, still far yet near, I can only pray, and await God's hand to heal the situation.

Truth without Photoshop

For awhile, I've been going through a book by Bishop T.D Jakes, "Naked but not Ashamed". A great book filled with truths about being ourselves and embracing our lives, sins and weaknesses, and allowing God, who already knows all about us, to heal us and set us free.
I will tell you more about it when I finish the book. But right now, I'd like to present to you Janette-ikz's earth shattering God anointed poem.. that threads upon similar lines.

The Truth without Photoshop by Janette-ikz.

My prayer & hope awaits many more who would stand up in boldness to be transparent and boast about God's work, healing, grace and strength in our lives.

We don't just live a ritualistic religious life. The truth will set you free, and set others free too.

Let's be transparent, decrease and let God increase in our lives.


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