Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I know it when my heart feels pain. I know it when it hurts.
Over the years, I've learned to openly identify pain with my heart. No cover ups.
So I'm coming to terms with my emotions and how my heart feels at times.
Circumstances do play a role in creating one's worst and best emotions at times. But I'm determined not to let them rule over me.
Easy to say as it is. But what else can I do but pray.
I heard His Spirit calling out within me to channel all that strength and frustrations to prayer.
If my heart wrenches. Wrench in prayer.
If I want to cry, cry liquid prayers.
If I don't understand, pray... it helps.
If I don't see no road ahead that seems straight, pray... and take a step of faith... then another step. Just keep walking.
When will the light at the end of the tunnel show?
Why do us humans cringe at the thoughts of how fearful things can be?
I'm merely human. Not all knowing. I'm afraid of waiting. I'm afraid of not having an answer.
But I got my God who knows it all.
And He's telling me, trust me.
He's telling me, lay your burdens down, and look to me.

"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
- Philippians 4:7 (NIV)

In times like this, thank God for inspiring great songs.

Another song by Michael Jacobs.
Very heart felt and truthful.

He says, "Please listen to the entire song, the first verse is how I was feeling for a long time and I feel that God was pushing me to make this song, so I hope you guys enjoy it! ".

To find out more about the song and what he felt while he wrote it, click the video to go to YouTube. :)

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I have a dream for the media industry. I really do.

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