Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Beginning the Wait

Often, I feel like Jeremiah in the Bible....

Waiting is difficult!

In this age, to wait for the arrival of a public bus, one would probably flash out their i-technology, or S-technology, gadgets and key in a couple of words, play a couple of games... ring a friend, or just check out what's going on in Facebook.

Can I sit still for a moment and quietly wait upon the Lord?
Hear His voice..
Understand, and even more so, experience His love for me?

Waiting isn't easy. Especially when we're talking about waiting - just waiting. No iPhones, no distractions, no looking around... just wait.

I can't change what comes my way. But I can probably learn how to master the art of disciplining myself to wait on the Lord.

I'm not going to look at the flowers before me.. or check what my iPhone or Facebook tells me. I want to keep hold of His Promises for me.. and live in it. And when His Promises arrive, I will know, because He will speak to my heart - a deep assurance that will sustain me and guide my steps.

Pray with me.

When intentions become too hard to understand, she shrinks back to protect her heart.

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