Saturday, December 31, 2011

Tasting the last bits of 2011

It's the last day of this grueling year of 2011. I'm seated at my desk, before what we call a 'laptop', with many thoughts. Should I attempt to write an entry in 45 minutes, so I can head off to explore Mt Ommaney Shopping Centre?

Yes, I guess I'll do that. So stay with me.

Dented Start

The year began like many years, with a BANG. A bang can imply what "Ris Low" depicts, "BOOMZ", or "SHINGZ". Maybe, a shingz in some way, maybe a boomz in another. Depends on how you see it.

For me, the year began with Wen Huey and her sisters chilling with me in my living room, watching the Taiwanese TV Drama "Stories of Time". It's funny how to this day, I still think of the drama every now and then. For me, that lodged deep in my heart something... for myself and a bond between Mum and Dad. :)

A week or two later, the Queensland floods hit us. I thank God for His protection upon me, and also for my many brothers and sisters, of whom some missed being in Toowoomba, and was protected from the massive disaster there. A few friends had their houses flooded, many lost their belongings.. a heart wrenching season for many, but at the same time, the community spirit in Queensland grew. We braved through it together.

In that same season, a life shaking experience happened for me. My faith was shaken due to a specific event. My tears ran dry and I didn't know how I could move on in life for awhile... but God held me during those times, and He was faithful in carrying me through... and also gave me hope. I miss my Double A sister. Can't wait till the day we meet again. "...we gon' make it!!"

Well, for me, the beginnings of 2011 painted a direction for me to achieve. And I called it a "Year of Faith". A journey of finding deeper faith in God, and knowing where I stood in this place.

The Year Progressing

The year moved really fast after the slow turmoil of January. I began this great journey of faith, as it seemed, God wasn't too slow to embark me on the process.

In terms of media and ministry, His faithfulness showed up. My brother gave me his DSLR so I could use it for filming. With God's guidance and inspiration, I completed my first film in my lifetime - Unmask. What came even better was my dream-come-true production of preparing a 'Movie Trailer'. That was a breakthrough in my ministry life.

The Unmask Short Film:

Later on in the year, I also attended a Filmaking & Directing course, and made a short film called "What Comes This Way".

Here's a poster I made for it. The film is still in post production... hoping to finish it soon!

Do you see my name in there? Hee hee.. Praise God for the wonderful experience.

Growth Through Uprooting

This year, my security in Christ grew massively. With many of my precious close sisters and brothers moving away from my life, it's like a spiritual uprooting of where I stood. Although physically I wasn't the one uprooted, it felt like my position in life was massively shaken. Who was I and where could I be? Who did I live for, and where was my hope and security? Those were the questions I found myself asking myself time and again. It felt like God was placing a new foundation for me, strengthening the core of my being, and I found myself at the cross many times surrendering it all to God again. At those points, I realised that God was my security, and He would never leave me nor forsake me.

And I thank God, that in the midst of all the shifting, sieving and shaking, I stood firm, and the friends I had, remained in touch. Though far away, deep in our hearts, there remains that connection, and blood of Christ that has bounded us together.

Character Development through Pruning

This year God dealt massively with my character. I had different events rock up in my life - pastoral, ministry, work or even friendship related. Situations that I was too incapable to handle, or peer pressure to do or say the wrong things at times. Or even at times the few encounters of being misunderstood and accused for something I did not do. All part and parcel of what we go through in life. I found myself in rage at times, startled by how angry I could get. I knew I was emotional, but in terms of anger, I never knew how dangerous I could become. Yet it all pointed to one thing, my imperfectness, and where my securities laid. Through these series of events, God indeed embarked me on some painful pruning!

Pruning ain't fun at all! But you know, as a gardener myself, I know that pruning causes more fruit production, and healthier plants. So as the Chief Gardener, God cut off pieces of me that rotted, and snipped of my impurities. He gave me constant health checks and starved some of my bad habits to death. He purified me through the cleansing from His Word, and convicted my actions and speech, and even helped me made right choices regarding the movies I watched and the music I listened to.

Through encouraging friends and honest brothers and sisters, I was constantly slammed with reflective modes and struggles in my action intentions. I thank God for helping me go through what I've done and said at times, and for His endless mercy and grace that fell abundantly over me. I grew in humility, and learnt how to say sorry and sometimes, do the right thing.

Am I perfect yet? No way... but with honesty and nakedness before the Lord, I am able to embrace my weaknesses and bring them before God, who would then help me be transformed by the cleansing power of His Spirit and Word.

To my friends out there who strive to grow in God, don't be afraid to be who you really are. We can't make it through by just doing what seems right, or doing good hypocritically, if we don't have a change in our heart. Allow ourselves to reveal before God who we really are, then He can change and transform us, that we may stand before Him pure and honest, yet covered by His Grace and Love... walking in Grace. :)

Learning to Live

It used to be all about ministry and legalistic routines. But one thing I learnt this year was to learn how to live this life God has given me. His love for me extends to the point where I am allowed to enjoy the beauty of this world He made!

This year, I traveled and chilled lots. One thing on my bucket list - to travel to Ayers Rock. I did it!! And even more so, I climbed the Kings Canyon and conquered the Valley of Winds at Kata Juta. Breath taking experiences... beauty of God and His Creations... My soul was refreshed and my eyes are opened.
I built great friendships through coffee, chilling, hiking.. and just doing things together with many ones.

Thank God for the friends He's put in my life... whao, too much for me to write in just one day. But... again, pictures tell a thousand words. Great places... great friendships. (not in chronological order - just too difficult with blogger.)


Turning 25th

Mum came and spent my 25th birthday with me in Australia. On the day, we went to Tasmania. I had an awesome time... she did too. Pictures, tell a thousand words. :)

I've come to embrace the fact that I'm a quarter of a century years old. To many, it seems like a quarter life crisis. Sometimes I feel like that too. But each time I'm reminded of how God picked me from the falling pit to where I am today.. Five years ago, I touched down in Brisbane, not knowing how much my life would change. Four years ago, God touched my heart and saved me.

Amazing Grace.. how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I'm found, was blind but now I see. My chains are gone, I've been set free. My God my Savior, has ransomed me. And like a flood, His mercy rains. Unending love, amazing Grace...

I had almost half a day chatting with a brother recently... laughing at who we were five years ago, and who we've become today. It's just amazing, the transformation power of God and His work. Our God is faithful, though we may not see it at one point in time or another, we know He never stopped working for the good of those who love Him. My life, just in the past 5 years, has already shouted how great God is. I don't know what the next few years would entail, but definitely something good.

And as I walk to the last day of 2011. It's amazing... what God told me four years ago. Tomorrow, I walk once again in close proximity with the Lord, I will wait for you.

It's been definitely a year of Faith for me. And I made it through. Job changes, life changes, ministry changes, friends changes.... many more things to believe for. But God saw me through.. I'm still in Brisbane, working.. and growing. What's next? I'm not sure, but definitely something Good.

So, it's almost 45 minutes. I'm about to end my entry.
I'll be counting down to the start of 2012 tonight... I can't wait.

For my family, I miss you.. May God bless you all greatly... Mum, Dad, Sis and Bro, all my aunties, my uncles... cousins... Grandma... extended relatives that I may have met once or twice in my life time... so many of you, may God bless you, and I pray for the day we can together all worship the Great Almighty God who loves us and blesses us endlessly.

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