Sunday, December 18, 2011

Heart Warmers + heart mirrors.

I chanced upon a nice video... two years apart, and they warmed my heart.

In 2008:

I love the part at 0:49.... so sweet.

In 2010:

Beautiful friendship... and it's so cute.

December finds its way speeding past my life. I woke up to a realisation that this year has gone by like the wind. A difficult gruel start to the year, I reflected upon re-visiting the entries of January and Feb. Whao...

A deepening of my faith..
Strengthening of my security in God..
Finding Jesus as the Lover of my Soul..
Holding on to love without building walls despite getting hurt...

That so reminds me of a testimony I heard today at Church. This girl went through a time of loving a friend who misunderstood her, and even hated her. Through that she persevered at loving her, but time and time again got hurt so badly. Eventually, she managed to keep drawing strength from God in loving her, and not allow walls to be build from the negativity she was receiving all around her.

Beautiful testimony...
That's the kind of love Jesus had... and even more so, extending love to one's enemies... not easy, but do-able, and achievable.

Well, I sit here looking at the time, past bed time again.... a chilly night, and a long weekend I've had... kind of sending a tickle down my nasal pharyngeal canal, I'm falling sick? Ah... please, not!
I've learnt to take care of myself more this year, learning to find both spiritual and physical rest in God this year, loving the body God has given me, and honouring this temple of the Holy Spirit.

So, sleep time it shall be. Probably two echinacea pills might help. Ah, and lots of water.

Kingdom Princess-meter:
A bittersweet heart felt uprising within hearing the update of once whom was close but now far away. Could things have been better? Probably not. An unruly and incommunicable attitude did no help to a situation. Not even so to speak about personal space... the case shall pass and fade away. For now, may the love of God heal hearts... broken and fearful hearts once again. 
The next step would be critical. A stage and season right now that seems placid, dry or at times shaky. But the princess sits and rests upon the Kings heart, feasting on the Love that runs so freely.
As for matters of the heart... she decides to put them on the shelf. A decision that requires coupling with actions, which at times creates one of the most difficult tests. Not building walls, but instead guarding her heart within the confines of a secure pair of hands.. the hands of the King, who would choose the time and protector worthy to carry and own it.

No whys, no how... no when. God makes all things beautiful in His time.

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