Friday, November 5, 2010

Peek-a-boo November

Hey everyone, it's November!

Time Flies
Time is just rushing and hitting me in gusts on my cheeks day by day. I was just mentioning to my colleague how amazing it is, and in a month's time I'll be on my little trip back home for 2 weeks!
There's been so much that God has jam-packed into my 2010. And I really felt that extra stretch and test that God's been taking me through. Having said that, there has been also, many breakthroughs. Whao!

Atieno has told me that I didn't need to seek my own ministry. But as I sought God, He would bring my ministry to me. Indeed, God has done so. And through this year, God has revealed more of His purpose for my life, and the little steps that He has been taking me through seemed to fall into the big picture.

1040 DVD
I ordered my 1040 DVD about 4 weeks ago, and it finally arrived early this week - praise God! I thought I should do a little movie screening at my place, but before I could fix a date with anyone, I put the DVD into my laptop, and started to watch it.

It's really powerful, what God is doing in Asia. And it strikes me more in the video, of the hearts of different ones who gave up so much in their lives, knowing that the things on earth (money, fame, career, or even their lives) do not matter when compared to the Kingdom of Heaven.

It touches my heart so much, to know how we can do so much more for those in need. And this video speaks deep into my heart too, because I know how Jin and Van Ness were before they became Christians. Both their testimonies always remind me of how faithful God is.

God's Deep Lesson

Lately, I have been doing some self evaluation and thinking on a recent turnout of events. God had by His Grace enabled me to see things and pray for things, and before all things happened, showed me His way and purpose. In this 2010, the many breakthroughs and things that happened showed me that God is sovereign.

Some things turned out to my naked eye, not good. I look back and think how I could have done better, and I knew there were some things I could have done, and not done. But in the midst of all these reflections, I also hear God telling me not to be too hard on myself. I guess God's been teaching me to be a bit better to myself, because He loves me as well. And I guess I'm still learning to find that balance in life, learning to sit and listen to God more, and learning to sit and be there for those He brings in my way.

The other thing that I have been thinking of is this awesome Church that God has placed me with. Through tears and joy I have journeyed with Hope Church and here I found a loving family who would always be there when I needed them. And I have also learnt to be there for others when they needed me. Even though some of us have moved on to different places that God has called us to, for example differen life groups, I still feel so connected with them. Some times it is not the time spent with one another, but it's just that bond that is so strong and powerful, and the few words exchanged, yet you know you have a place in the heart of one another. That is the power of LOVE from God that unites us together.

I love all the times where we can be real and honest before one another, and talk about the great things that God has been doing in our lives, and also to share about our struggles and difficulties and pray for one another. And even as different ones might be called further away from their ministry, there is this powerful element it seems, that unites us, and though far, we are still connected.

I love this family of God that God has blessed me with. I know many ones are always so busy serving God, and despite the times where all their hard work goes un-noticed, they still continue to love and serve the different life group members. At times, they even get misunderstood for not caring enough or doing enough. But I know they have been doing so much beind the scenes and praying so much more for all of us. God has been good to us, and my prayer is everyone learn to see the GOOD that God has done in our lives. Because God is GOOD! :)

God has been faithful to us, and He has been adding to us. As a church grows, there will be pruning and purification, and the enemy would seek to create more strife between believers. But God is sovereign, and as we choose to walk in the Light, we will not stumble. 

"Walk while you have the light, before darkness overtakes you. The man who walks in the dark does not know where he is going. Put your trust in the light while you have it, so that you may beome sons of light."
- John 12:35b-36 (NIV)

In the third quarter of this year, God has been reminding me so much about John 15. And my prayer is that everyone would receive and embed this chapter strongly in our hearts.

As we embrace positivity, hope and joy in the Lord, obeying and responding to God step by step in faith, we will see the value of God's word in our lives. Let us be TRANSFORMED as we allow God's word to shape and change us to be better people, living that life of FAITH, HOPE and LOVE...! :)

I won't be quoting many Bible verses today, but all that's written above have been what God's been speaking to me about, and affirming me with the different Bible verses in His word.

Hope that changed a Sinner - Transformed into a Soldier of Light

Many years ago, some might admire Van Ness from afar for his position in F4. Another might dislike him for the fame in F4 as well. And one who knew how deep Van Ness was struggling with his fame issues, have thought Van Ness was a gone case and hopeless person, doom for destruction by the terrors of the entertainment industry. But many ones had that Faith, that Hope and that Love for him. So many ones prayed for him, which he may never know. But most importantly, God loved him, and was pursuing him.

My favourite verse in John 10:10 speaks so much, and sums up a major part of my ministry that God has given me.
I know I've posted so many entries about him, from the day he made that decision to be born again till today. But I'm still going to post this one.

Enjoy, and at the end, you'll hear his new song - glorifying God.

Yes, I like it when he sings his English songs.

Peace, and I'll see y'all again!

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