Friday, November 19, 2010

Amazing In-Control God

God is amazing.

In helping me be real to myself, to Him and to the things that I'm going through, He's taught me that I don't have to maintain a form of righteousness in order to try and be someone. And in accepting this, God has also given me courage to follow Him.

When you follow God, you make a decision. Many can be Christians but choose to lead a life away from God. But for me, I don't want to be like that.

Having experience God's real touch in my life, I am accountable to no one, except the saving love from God. I'm not being legalistic about this, or trying to live a life to please man no more. God has been reaching out to me, and helping me come out of this. I'm not quite there yet, and I don't know the day it'll be fully achieved. But that's faith, and trust that God is helping me. Don't ask me why I'm so sure. But I know God is faithful, and He has always proven to be.

Today Pastor Lance spoke at the Legacy Conference. He's targeted and spoke everything that God has been speaking to me about. A life that goes straight to our hearts. Being a real person.

Many people in the world nowadays try to do things because of society pressure, stress or even for their own fame. And as we have come out of the world, we still sometimes hold on to the things that controlled our lives in the past. Acceptance from the society, family or friends.

God's way isn't like that. God's way is very simple. Find acceptance in God. Only finding that place and acceptance in God will we be able to find true security. And when that happens, nothing in the world shakes us anymore.

If all my friends leave me, it wouldn't matter.
If all my friends reject me, it wouldn't matter.
If all my ambition reaches nowhere, it wouldn't matter.
If all my possessions are gone, it wouldn't matter.
Because I'm safe in God's hands, and that matters - because God sees the beginning and the end, and eternity.

Faith, comes down finally to that. That we know we have eternity with God.

The revelation is still building and the picture is just starting to get clearer.

Yes, I am permitted to question, because God isn't afraid of questions.... no legalistic or politically correct Christian answers, just a true life experience of God - that is how one will truly be able to shine for Jesus.

He's just amazing, and I mean every word.

More to come.

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