Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Greetings from Muar!

Aeyo my friends! As the title states, i'm in Muar at the moment. Had a great day here with relatives, mum and dad. Heading up to KL to find ex and current Hope Brisbanites tomorrow...

I got my hair done! Was gonna dye my hair with Ah Mei in Singapore, but when I knew that I was coming to M'sia, I thought, why not try the hair stylists there! So... I was quoted a SGD$160 in a hair salon in Singapore... and guess what, I got the same deal here in Muar for RM120! Which equates to.. maybe SGD40 or SGD50...! According to Dad.

Anyway... I'm happy and pleased with my new hair. Been tryna upload for the past half hour.... can't wor... so.. sorry!!! Wait till i'm back in SG!!!

Of course, can't upload other photos due to poor internet connectivity... so will upload next time!

You know, over dinner, one of my aunts asked me, "Are you going to bring Ah Ying to church?"

I thought she was gonna be unhappy cuz I'm asking her daughter, my cousin, to Church. But you know what she said?

"Ask her to go with you!"

And my Grandma also said, "If you believe in God, then go to Church."
She also said other things... but...

What I'm really happy about is the softening of the ground over here. God has been faithfully working in the lives of all my family and relatives... and I'm so touched by all that they said. I believe that they were much hardened 2 years ago... but today that I'm back, I can sense the ground being soften.

God is good!! Makes me feel like, I wished I was more faithful to God in my lifestyle... I'm trying yeah? But I know God doesn't bless us by just how faithful we are to Him... God blesses us due to His Grace upon us... let us continue to walk in God's Grace, and grow in Him..

May I be continually sanctified and transformed into His likeness!

If you're reading this, could you seed a prayer for my family and relatives, for their salvation. My 3rd aunt has been having some 'autistic' problem where she would just coop herself in her room and isolate herself from everyone. She recently had a mild stroke and now she has difficulty eating and talking...

There's a church just in front of our house in M'sia... called 'Living Water Church'. I really hope my aunt will go to Church!! And that God will and continue to soften the ground in my family and relatives' hearts and come to know the GOOD life that Jesus has to offer for them.

Pray with me? =)

Heading to KL tomorrow... woo hoo~ dun think i'll have internet connection there. So, see you soon!! Have a great countdown to the end of 2009~~ and.. prepare for 2010~~!!


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