Sunday, June 5, 2011

Hurray!! Victory!!!

I am very happy girl today. It's a joyous occasion. Something I've been praying for more than 4 years now has happened. God is faithful.

And other things... are making me happy and joyful as well.

2 job offers... 1 more to come? Crossroad number 2, but I'm praying for clarity.

Ps Wenan said they were all praying for me. It's so encouraging... I'm really thankful, and see God's favour.

Went for a jog this morning, and felt a strong uncomfortably plus depressive blow strike at me from the enemy. When things are going well, the enemy tries to destroy and steal. I kept praying and praying... and stood firmly and held strong unto God. To be honest, it wasn't easy but I prayed and praised God as I ran... soon the enemy left.

In the midst of many battles, both mine and my friends, I see lots of victories happening too... in two of my sheep's lives... in my leaders' lives... in my fellow sisters' and brothers' lives.. The enemy's been defeated,  death couldn't hold Jesus down. Friends, know who we stand in the Lord, and keep praying! Prayer is partnership with God to partake in Victory!! Yeah, I'm waving the flag of victory....!

And it's amazing, I randomly clicked on one of the sermons at Mavuno today. It's not a very recent sermon but out of the many sermons on the site, I just clicked this one. And it apparently talked about the MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT industry! How clear can God strike His vision for me when He really wants to?

Enjoy this sermon... from 37:00min onwards... you'll be so so blessed. Really.

03 Setting The Agenda (Wired For Greatness) from Mavuno Church on Vimeo.

Tonight I commission Xiao Jie to do God's work tomorrow in His safe hands. The Church needs more prayer and covering! So please pray pray and pray pray pray!! :)

Goodnight... and now let's welcome another exciting victorious week!!!

God is awesome!!!

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