Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Body of Christ, It's Time To Unite

i have a long and heavy entry here... but I pray it'll speak to you. :)

I'm supposed to be off work and running my legs off in the gym right now. But somehow I just don't feel like it... Been really slack on the threadmill lately... and even to the point I've cancelled my gym pass. The costs of having to maintain a car, and save up for my Kenya trips have enabled me to make that decision. Yes, Atieno, if you're reading this, you gotta feel honoured.

On the other hand, I've been having weekly jogging expeditions with my life group. We're all training for the Bridge to Brisbane 5km run. It's good to see everyone gearing up out of those couches and start running together. Good stuff.

Diverting - Let's Organise
So why am I writing here, in the midst of my hectic schedule. You know I have better stuff to be doing right now since the Working Adults Conference 2010 is just two weeks away. Speaking of that, I thougt I had graduated from organising things when I left SP Wushu 4 years ago.

Some how, in the journey of my Christian walk, I managed to ease away from event organising... and it felt pretty good for awhile! And this year, I received the invitation to join the committee for organising this conference.

I think it's been a journey since I joined this committee. Time has flown by and the conference is just 2 weeks away. And it's been a great learning curve to just being in this committee. A united committee with one main goal.. all just wanting to do this for Jesus and His People. A very different style of organising... I like it.

The Crux - Body of Christ, It's Time To Unite
So let's come to why I am really writing today, staying back in my office, instead of going to the gym and back home to enjoy my wonderful bowl of ramen...

As many might have already heard the news that the City Harvest Church (CHC) in Singapore is currently under investigation from the Office of the Commissioner of Charities (COC) and the Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) as of the 1st of June this year. I'm sure many mixed feelings must be going through the minds of people in CHC and even believers all over Singapore and Asia.

For some reason, my heart aches when I hear believers smirking at the news. I know CHC has always been either a hot fav or totally opposite - a name that rakes up controversy each time either believers or non-believers talk about them. But we got to be careful and identify the work of Satan who is trying to rip apart the church by having so many controversies and rumours spread. And the enemy is a liar, we all know that. And if we're not careful, he'll have us believers flying arrows against one another!

Having been a non-believer and strong anti-Christian in the past, I do remember being one of those CHC critics and haters. Even in my younger Christian days, the mention of CHC would always take the black of my eyes on a journey to the back... ok, that means ROLLING MY EYES.

But as I grew in my walk with God, God began to reveal to me the need for Christians to stop judging one another and the need for the Church to unite.

"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
- Matthew 7:3 (NIV)

And this whole thing about the Church uniting has also been a deep message that God has placed in my heart over the earlier half of this year! Earlier and throughout this year, God has been revealing to me a process of purification and breakthrough and as this has been happening, I have begun to see even more clearly God's heartbeat for the Church and to understand how His heart aches for His Body when different parts constantly don't see that the body is ONE with Christ.

For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.
- Ephesians 5:23 (NIV)

I do know that churches on one hand should understand the responsibilities they hold in being an impact and influence in the lives of many Jesus has entrusted them to. With great power comes great responsibilities. As churches grow in size, there has to be a need for greater accountability and management of funds and the lives of the people. I believe that many churches are striving to be transparent, open and accountable in the way they handle their funds and lives.. and I greatly applaud church leaders for their effort. It is definitely not easy. But despite the possibility of criticism and judgement, harder roles and many lives under their care, many ones have chosen to dispense themselves to obey God's command to be like water poured out for His people.

Our Role As Part of the Body
We as believers should understand that God has placed our leaders over us to help us understand authority. At times some might have failed and fallen, but who are we to judge God's chosen ones? Instead of judging them, why not understand the GRACE that we can show them the same way God showed us Grace? Encourage them and pray for them instead?

Sometimes, leaders need the same amount of support and encouragement we need. A lot of times I see leaders pouring out their lives, time and money for the lives under their care... but they hardly get appreciated. Yet they are willing to do so. But when things like that happen, the worldly eyes of man jump straight up and finger pointing and condemnations begin. This is so heart breaking!

One of the great message and gifts we all have as believers is that we have the privilege of coming to God personally because of what Jesus has done for us.

So now.. what?
Right now, in the context of CHC's investigation, instead of hurling accusations and critics towards the founders and pastors of that church, won't believers unite and start praying? Instead of listening to what others are saying, why don't you pray and see what God is saying? A lot of times critics and rumors arise from people who go to the church for only a couple of occassions and so determine how that church functions. We can't do that!

Something that hurts my heart so much is that when believers from different backgrounds and understandings hurl accusations towards different churches, judging the way they worship, the way the preach, etc, without really understanding what God might be doing in their lives or saying to us.

Can I please say?
If in our imperfections God has still chosen to love us, why then are we judging imperfections of others?
If one is good at doing something and sharing a message of prosperity because God has anointed him/her to, why are we judging that gift?
If one is anointed with making music and writing songs of worship for believers all over the world to sing and worship God, why are we judging the gift?

Definitely, people who share and preach the word needs to be firmly grounded and rooted in Christ, and to be very Bible based. Being firmly rooted will prevent us from flying too high and carried away with 'imbalanced' teaching. But instead of critizing and condemning, will we start praying and supporting? Will we choose to dispense our lives, rise up and ask God to use us so we can help alongside other labourers in Christ?

When Jesus comes back, He will call the Bride - His Church.

"Let us rejoice and be glad  and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready."
- Revelation 19:7 (NIV)

There will be only ONE Bride.

God will not call just your church, my church, his church or her church. God calls HIS CHURCH.

If we can see that, I pray that believers stop pointing fingers and criticising. Instead, let's pray against the work of the enemy and pray for the unity of the Church. Do you see the power of the Church when all the different giftings are brought together and produce the worship and glory that God so ever intended for His Church?

When one part of the body is injured, do we not help out?

Brothers and sisters, see the work of the enemy. Satan is attacking the Church. Not your friend's church. Not a church in your country. He is attacking a part of the Body... and You are a cell in that BODY.

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. And in the church God has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, also those having gifts of healing, those able to help others, those with gifts of administration, and those speaking in different kinds of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret? But eagerly desire the greater gifts. And now I will show you the most excellent way.
- 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 (NIV)

What's the most excellent way? Paul goes on to talk about LOVE in 1 Corinthian 13.
And then in 1 Corinthians 14, Paul writes about the spiritual gifts and orderly worship.
Let's Pray
My prayer is that we put our faith, hope and love firmly upon Christ and let nothing shake us. But let us see God's intend for the Church, His Bride.. and what Jesus wants us to be like. Do church God's way.
Whether or not there has been a misused of funds in the CHC, no one knows right now. If there is, we don't condemn. We PRAY. For restoration, repented hearts, and for anyone who has been shaken to find their faith planted strongly on Jesus Christ The ROCK once again. If there isn't, we PRAY. We pray against schemes and attacks from the enemy, and pray for covering over all church leaders in the world! And pray for the unity of churches all over the world!

We pray cuz we love! We pray cuz we know God wants us to LOVE. We pray because we know God hears our prayers. We pray because the Kingdom of God is forcefully advancing and the gates of hell will not stand against it! We pray because we know our prayers make things happen! Let us advance forcefully - YEAH!

From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.
- Matthew 11:12 (NIV)

"And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it."
- Matthew 16:18 (NIV)

I'm writing this cuz I went to bed really sad last night when I heard the news (I'm slow cuz I'm in Australia)... more so, even sadder when I found that other churches in Singapore were actually condemning CHC, instead of praying for them. I don't know them very well, but I know that God has used CHC to touch and save many lives... and countless lives have been transformed. At the end of the day, we are looking to God and not to man. God, in His Grace, chooses us as vessels to bring His Love and Grace to others.

When we look at problems through man's eyes, we see heaps of judgement and bitterness. But if we look at things from God's eyes - there you will understand God's Grace, Mercy and Love.

Let's have a God-Centred faith, and pray for one if we don't. :)

Alright, I might just stop here.. and head home to continue on the conference tasks.

And I'd just like to mention quickly, that all the above was written based on what I've been burdened about and on my understanding... and if certain things are not fully theologically correct, please let me know! I'm still growing and learning in understanding God's word! :)

Thanks for reading and dropping by...

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