Thursday, May 13, 2010

Going Gear 5 with God

There's been a lot going on in my life lately. A lot, does not mean a lot of events. But yeah, God doesn't wait too long when He chooses to use someone! Hehe.. But yes, here's an update you have to read!

Right after I posted my previous entry, God began His work. For some reason, like I mentioned a month ago in my previous entry, that God was speaking something to me through JMa's preaching. That was a Saturday.

That night I responded after watching the video - can you see the power of media? Jaeson Ma doesn't need to be here to preach a message from God. God has anointed him and given him this gift of using the media as his pulpit to preach the good news!

Look, here I was crying, "Yes, God. Use me!"

So... there went Saturday night. Little Miss Shannon climbs into bed, hugs Daddy and goes to sleep.

Next day, at church....  I went up at the end of the service during the altar call. And I can't remember what I went up for now, but the person who prayed for me instead gave me a prophetic word and encouragement! God spoke a vision through her:

I was holding a tool and digging the soil. It feels like I've been hitting the hard rocks and my tools are about to break and I don't seem to be getting anywhere with my labour. Even to a point where my tool was exhausted and broke! But God is telling me to persevere and hold on! Because God will provide me with a new tool! And then I will see the rocks began to break open and the receive whatever is in there for me!

Guess what? Doesn't that sound like the vision that God gave me early in the year? Yeah, it has been on my Facebook all these while since the year began: "Embracing the treasures of 2010. Yes... Treasures hidden below hard soil... :) Faith, Hope, Love - LIVE and RUN!"

Amazing! Let me tell you what the prophetic word revealed!

Hitting Rocks
It has been really hard meeting the expectations of the videos that I was asked to create, I was already hitting rocks as I decided that this was what God has called me to. But I believe God was also teaching me faithfulness and perseverance! Which was very much the prophetic word that was given! I was really encouraged to hear the word... and also to embrace my heart as the prophecy told of what was to come. Anticipation!

I had a dream...
I felt the anointing of the Lord come upon me and God was enabling me to do what He has called me to. God used a person as a vessel, and through that person He gave me that anointing. It was an affirmation, a tangible empowerment and an experience that I knew that the message in the dream had already come to pass.
Tuesday 20th, I wrote in my Facebook status that day:
"....and he said, 'come closer', and with a strong and mighty breath, it felt like he blew the Spirit unto me... there was empowerment, joy, strength, gentleness, peace and warmth."

First part of prophetic word came to pass - My tool broke
A couple of weeks passed, and the software I was using to create my videos for the Working Adult Conference expired. There I was sitting in my room, staring at my computer, knowing it wasn't good. The deadline for the video was drawing near.. but I had no software to complete it! The software costs AUS$1700++, where was I to find such a software!!
Wednesday 21st, my Facebook status wrote: "portion of tool just broke... waiting for Providence..."

I sat there a couple of days... asking around for the software, asking who would provide me one... seeing the days go by... not knowing how I could continue the work entrusted to me....

Second part of prophetic word - Tool Provided by God
Thanks to God's grace, someone told me that any full time student can get it for a student price as long as they have a minimum 2 year degree course. So Kuzi agreed to help me out despite not knowing much about computers! The amazing thing is that I got the package shipped to me within 1 day and it got verified within 12 hours.

A miracle! Why a miracle? Because there was so much complications within the process, too much that I can type here. I couldn't register Kuzi's email, and there was 2 emails linked my account. Kuzi was receiving emails for 'Shannon', and I didn't want to lie that I'm Kuzi.... etc etc.

Cut the long story short, God provided...!! Because.... the software is right here with me!!!

Thursday 29th April, my Facebook status wrote: "The prophetic word came to pass... my tool was broken... God provided. I got a new tool! the work continues.. :)"

Third part of prophetic word - receiving what was in there for me
I began the next part. Endless nights of toiling in this field. Ok, don't take that literally. It was not a field, but my room. Sleeping around 2-4am over a couple of nights to finish the multimedia for the Working Adults Conference. When it finally finished, there was that sense of accomplishment within. It wasn't easy at all! But it was such a great feeling... This was my feeling, totally. "It felt so awesome I actually completed what seemed like the FIRST MAJOR kingdom assignment ever entrusted to me, and God has been with me throughout the time of making it!"

The day I submitted my video to the Church, I got an email asking if I would like to join WAM's media department where I can be trained to take the skill to the next level. Words will not express how elated I felt. To me, it's an honour, not to feed my pride, but to know that my work is appreciated. And at the same time, it's a great affirmation to me what God has placed in my heart. To me, this whole media industry has always been 'taking small steps at a time, not knowing where I will head'. In the past, I did it without God. Now, I'm doing it with God...

I look back to where I was a month ago, and where I am right now.... This was definitely God. And definitely, looking back beyond 1 month... or even to last year, where I decided to entrust this burden for the media industry wholly to God.... it's all about surrendering what is really precious to us... isn't it!

But God didn't take it away!! God took it and refined the skill.... God took it and remoulded my heart... God took it and washed it's impurity! And now God has placed the new tool in my hand, much better than before.... because He has given this gift to me, not to use it the way I intended to... but they way He intended to! Only the Maker knows the purpose of each and every creation!!

Where is the video? You will see it at Church this Sunday. :) I'll post it up only after it has been screened at Church. :)

Shin Yee, Nicole... yes, God has surprised me. And I'm still awaiting more surprises!

And doing what God wants me to do is really exciting... and I also learn to fully rely on Him, because He is the creative director of my soul! Hee...

The next video that I've been currently working on is the Student Conference - Unleash.

And then another one soon...

I don't know where it's going to go ya know... but I'm just learning to be faithful, learning to persevere.

I won't say I'm faithful... because I have heaps to improve and learn on what being faithful is... In fact, I am so far from being faithful... and I know my weakest link is faithfulness. But I am definitely having a faithful God who is teaching me faithfulness through His faithfulness. :)

6th May, my Facebook status says: "Faithfulness is the KEY to unlock the doors God has promised He'll lead you to. =) Revelation!"

Thank You Lord... for everything. I'm still finding my way... learning to be faithful with the little I have..

So yeah, I've been really busy. And was talking to Kuzi about how busy we were! And her's a contribution of a positive view about being busy! Here goes:

Being busy does keep temptations away.
It's good to be busy... because when King David wasn't busy when he was supposed to be busy....
Yeah, you know... He stayed back during spring when kings go to war...
Walked around his house....
Looked out of his house.... and knowing he was already looking at the wrong place...
He saw her bathing... and then used one sin to cover up another sin.

Haha.. that's a bit random. But it makes sense doesn't it! Hee..

Ok, I'm going to sleep le.Thanks for reading and praying! :) Hee...

God bless you!

God's plans rock and He is sovereign.
I'm just sitting back and relax.
No, I'm also labouring as He calls.
But... I'm enjoying this whole journey....
And you know, the life lessons and all.......
The sense of humour my God has......
Yes yes, what are you doing God?

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