Sunday, April 7, 2013

She teared many times today. Some times it feels like she's all alone and there's no one who really understands what's fully on her heart.
In times like these, the King reminds her that He sees the tears and they're collected in His jar. And He reminds her of His promises.
All she really wants is everyone to plough the field together. Paint the beauty and victories together. Yet everyone else is caught up with their own agendas.

This world will soon pass and dissolve like snow. She doesn't want to run this race alone. But if that's how it is gonna be for now.. She will.

She's thankful for the few who are running hard with her. And the prayers of those who cared enough to ask.

Yet her heart longs for the rider who would truly make her fly...

May it straighten all out.. And may she keep focused. She knows, she already can't give up. Whatever is the King's is hers. She can't bear to give up what's really really important.

The reason behind all her invested time and money and tears.. Are just so in all she does she might save some.

Pray... For her.

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