Saturday, March 23, 2013

Faithful through the Seasons

Hello March?
Bye March..

I'm walking out on you. It's been such a sprint.
Breeze contact's been cool. Just like popping a mint.
Maybe another few hectic weeks will bring me closer to winter...

Time seems to fly by as age catches up, so they say. Well, maybe on a different tangent - I'd say the doors have flown open and the bull is kicking. Kicking real hard...

Last week was a memorable week for many in my group. God's faithfulness highlighted in all three significant events in the lives of the people close to me.

We attended William's Dad's funeral. It was a privilege to help and be there for our bro and his family. The first funeral I've consciously attended and helped out in my life. God's faithfulness have brought uncle into His loving arms.. Walking by the coffin, I told uncle to have a great time in Heaven. :)

Then a day later birth sprung forth. Elysaa popped Caleb Ang into the world. Both his fists clenched in one of the photos, faith filled, reminding me of the countless times I've seen him kicking in response when pastors were preaching in service. :)

And then the next day, the holy matrimony of Adam and Steph. Whao.. Thankful to God once again for the privilege to help out and film too.. Play a song.. And attended my first Aussie Chinese wedding reception too.

Blessings upon blessings on the lives of those around me.

A lot more to come. Praying for passion and the love of God to fill our lives even more. More breakthrough. More God focused decisions... God is awesome. Without Him, I don't see how can live be better.

Signing off.. At Indooroopilly, sorting out private health insurance stuff.


Oh... And Shannon's Winter Syndrome is not a made up...! I just found out today that its real!

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