Sunday, June 3, 2012

Resounding Encouragements

Home studio revamping - 100% completed!
I am currently blogging from my new desktop. Very happy lady right now.
Time to get serious with multimedia productions.
Thanking God for all His providence. I feel like I'm being stretched this season.

Words from the prophetic presbytery resounds in my mind. Very encouraged.

Though I feel like writing more, words can't exactly describe the thoughts running through my mind this moment.

I've been talking to God. About things.
He's helping me to see some things.
I'm asking Him how to work some things...
He's showing me what He has already done.
I'm asking more about what He is going to do.

We're talking. And I remember the many years ago, our prayers yesterday makes us who we are today. What we see today, is a result of our yesterdays.

Life comes its way, but we embrace situations and not let circumstances master us. I got a God who is the King of all Kings. He is the Alpha and the Omega. He will turn this dry and desert land into a land flowing with milk and honey.

As for me right now, I know what's in the Promise Land. Ain't gonna settle for less.

For this season, these words constantly resounds in my mind.... 

".....the words, 'You are more than a conqueror really means something to you.'...."

"There's been those times when you've been frustrated, and that frustration has come out. And then you started beating up yourself - 'can't have that attitude, can't speak that way, can't think that way!' But this courage, and strength and this fighter within you is not just yourself. It's not a flesh thing. The Spirit of the Lord is truly upon you and He's on you for victory...."

"....You want to make sure that others get it, so that you know, it's what you're hearing from God, this is the 'now' word. It's not yesterday's word, it's not tomorrow's word. It is the now word. This is what we are to be doing NOW, this is what God is saying NOW, this is where we put our energies NOW. And out of that come spiritual activity......"

Staying plugged in to the vine.
Trying to go deeper... 
Deeper, leaving the surface.

"....And then lastly, God says you are special. Don’t give up on who you are. Make sure you reproduce yourself and others spiritually. And set them on fire for the sake of the Kingdom...."

"....I’ve called you to be one that will hear my voice and that would understand the purpose and would initiate the purpose. Don’t hold back says the Lord, even as I speak to your heart , launch forth and you shall see good success, says the Lord...."

Lord I need your strength.

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