Friday, June 1, 2012

Happy Winter 2012!

Once again, it's time to embrace what the cool breeze carries. The time of the year I look forward to all the time. The privilege to snug beneath the warm duvet, a sleeping bag, a thick ski jacket... and hide away under the comfort of a jumper, hoodie or jacket... put on the boots and scarfs... fleece, and all else you can name for the enjoying the comfort of winter.

I'm up awake at one AM right now, on a nice rainy evening morning. Might be that cuppa "tingle my toes" from Pie Face doing its little bit of tingling... well, I'm happy, cuz I get to blog, which I haven't really done so in a long while.

What's been up, yo? Shannon's been down under the hood, doing some cooking with food, but it's not the usual look, probe more you might get the spoof! Um.. iight, let's skip on the rhymes tonight.

The year has almost sliced itself into halves! What have I been doing? Revamping my room and upgrading the tools for my media work, and since my laptop has decided to once again proof itself close to dead... I made the investment. Guess it's really a step of faith. I'm taking one step at a time, each step by faith. I'm praying God will calm and bring peace to those around me, and those who care for me and my future... because I know God has a good plan for me... and them. So, as I take these steps of faith at times, no doubt it might trouble and worry my loved ones, but I'm praying, God grow our faith. :)

And so, I should really sleep now. I had a great day, starting off at work rushing through the necessities before making my way to Mater Hospital for the MMRI Symposium... good lunch, nice freebies at the booths, and caught up with some other researchers I haven't met in a while. And... it's funny, cuz halfway through I was actually missing Teija, wishing she was there! :) Yes, Teija was my boss back at my old job. :)

Alright. Head to bed... after I present some photos, for myself and for your pleasure. (wanted to upload more, but there's a prob with blogger.. so i'mma sleep and try again next time. Night!)

Making dumplings with Fenny, Hideko, Set Yen and Xiao Li :)
Driving to Stanthorpe
The cutest Jerusalem donkeys I've ever met in my life. We connected instantly... and I miss these babies. Guess what? These donkeys have a cross on their backs!! :)

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