Sunday, January 30, 2011

Vulnerability - I'm Appreciating This.

This year is really taking a toll on me before the month of Janurary even touched an end.

But I realised, I have never made as vulnerable as this... I guess the last time I was this vulnerable, was when I was a child... or even, a baby. Of course, as it seems this moment, I am not as vulnerable as a kid.

Looking back, though vulnerable as a kid, I knew my parent's care for me. I had to rely on my parents. I had to trust what they knew what they were doing. I had no control over my life, and what I was going to eat, wear or do.... at least not before I was clearly aware of my surroundings.

And right now, I feel like God's taking me back to that place. That place where I let go of everything, and find Him fully, not knowing of what the future holds, but knowing that there's something good in store. As I can see right now, I know, there's a race that I'm running, a destination I am headed, but how I'm gonna get there, it's still a mystery indeed.

That's what's amazing.

I guess it's quite hard to tell someone to just let go as such. But God is a teacher, guider and comforter, and through Him and His sovereign will, I have found it easy to let go. These days I look back to who I was three years ago, and who I am now... I really find it amazing.

"They say friends are friends forever, if the Lord's the lord of them."

Yes... heaps of my friends and dear ones have left my side over the period of 2 months.... I miss them but I know we're going to meet again, not by my strength, but that God will make it happen. All I know right now is that God had made me vulnerable, and I choose to maintain this heart of vulnerabilty, that I may have the softest heart He can mould... and do unimaginable things...

I find my faith growing into a radical one... already at times I can't fathom it myself, but if I've decide to start this relationship with God, I might as well be real about it.


So, Chinese New Year is hitting in a few days. Before that, please pray for the world... and for Queensland. Against the cyclone that's about to hit us... and against the pain and evil that's happening around the world.... pray that many ones will begin to turn to God, cuz clearly He is speaking something to the world now. It's already 2011, let us be urgent. :)

....and there will be the sifting of the hot, cold and lukewarm..

I'm blogging from home, Singapore. Visited the dentist yesterday, did my CNY shopping... and tomorrow, hair cut!
Guess it's all well spent and in good usage.. God's really opening these doors, and every moment of my life isn't wasted.

Anyway, some pictures of what's been going on.... I thought I'd post up, and let it tell its own story.

Hiking at Lamington Nationak Park on Australia Day Holiday - Caves Circuit

Kuziwa and I... I'm so going to miss you... Take care, my homegirl :)

SetYen, Fenny, Kimie, and myself.. taking a rest near the Cave!

Half the gang, before setting out. But see, I'm already clinging on to Kuzi kuzi...
"Don't leave me...!"

Project Passion... farewell for Evelyn. Ah... Looking at this picture... reminds us of the good times, yet the amazing hand of God, cuz right now, we've all moved on but striving hard for God! Believing that we're still going to do great things through Project Passion!

Farewell... Evelyn Meh meh... but now.. Kuzi left me too!

Anyway, the year ahead holds greater things! (not that the things before weren't great..)
But I'm holding on, and letting go... haha... so God can take control.

So... now they're all over the world... clearly, God's hands are moving!

Ok, it's a choppy entry... but I'm logging off now! Hahaha... Happy Chinese New Year friends!

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