Monday, November 30, 2009

Our first recording + some photos

I've been really tired lately... December every year is like that. Yet when I look at what I've done and what the others have done, feel like I could do more... yet, I'm forever restricted by my lack of energy... wonder where all the energy goes to.... maybe just cuz I've got acquired ADHD makes my energy run dry daily...

Wished I could be more focused, as the Lord told me. In the process of re-moulding and sanctification. Really not by works man....

Anyway, here's a video of Kuzi and I doing our first recording ever in our lives. We've never rehearsed before... we were just randomly playing and singing it the night before and were drawn into doing this small little gig for everyone. Thank God so many of them went home after Bible discussion!

So... here's the clip! Enjoy~

Yes... everyone says my entries are long and naggy... but that's how I write ma... anyway... I don't have no energy to nag today... so, that's all for now friends..!

Maybe just to top it off, some photos of my life of late?

Mince pork veggie meat ball noodles I cooked one night.

The Conference at Canberra I went to 2 weekends ago

The comfortable chairs of the conference hall made it so hard and 'easy' for me....
Tending the booth

The Shine Dome - the conference venue from outside.
It's actually at ANU.

A cafe near to our hotel and conference venue.

Couldn't help but be reminded of Kwayti Yek Yek Venurs


Giraffe the Leslie with his new found friends from ABI and Invitrogen.

A short break we had during the conference was well spent at the Parliment House.
Minoru, Fenny, Mel, Me and Set Yen and the old Parliment House behind.

Behind us stands the new Parliment House.

The Senate... or was it House of Representatives? Haha.. forgot.

And I won in a lucky draw - Ipod Touch! Wahaha.. posing for that company... think I'm gonna be on their website... but I wore Singapore Polytechnic instead of ASCC... oops.

2 little girls in my Church.... so cute la... mei xiang dao she will qiang wen her....  Elise is gonna miss Janice when she's gone back to SG..

Alright.. that's all for now folks!~


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