Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sick - swine flu?!


It's been awhile... (I hate starting with this 3 words.. but it always ends up as such - means I gotta blog more eh?)

Much as I want to blog... I've been extremely busy lately - words can't explain how busy I am!

And even as I have a hectic month planned ahead... I have to fall sick at this time.

This sickness came so suddenly and weird... cuz I remember jumping around in hyper mode on Monday during praise and worship practice... and even going to the gym before the practice...
all of a sudden i'm sick... woke up on Tuesday with a bad sore throat... went to the lab, did my experiment.. and came out with giddiness and headache.. i wanted to cut slack on my work, and skip a couple of steps for my experiment... but then suddenly came the Holy Spirit reminding me - Whatever you do, do it for the Lord, not for the eyes of man!

I finished my experiments, went back in the office, then started having muscle cramps and shivering at work.. came home.. took my shower and just couldn't stand anymore!

Had to really push myself up to swallow 2 flu tabs before I really allowed myself to give in to my weakness...

I began calling on the name of the Lord - Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!!! It was endless.. there was a battle going on.. on one hand my weakness didn't want me to repeat His Name, but on the other hand, the Spirit was fighting for me!
I kept going and going and going... on and on and on.... until I could say, I felt a little better... a little lifted. Then I just fell asleep on my floor mattress.

Woke up an hour later... able to walk at least... but still felt nausea and giddiness... somewhere, somehow... a bunch of prayer warriors began praying for me.... in the ministry house of Judah 6 - you know... I felt so much better after that.... Kuzi came home and I told her, I FELT IT!

I woke up this morning.. went to work again, thank God.. finished what I had to do.. and came home early to rest.

God's hand upon me during this time of sickness... Thanks all who's been praying... and I'm sure God did speak a lot to me during these few short days. Yeah!

I'm going to retire for the night again... please pray for me... please not let it be the swine flu!!! :)

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