Saturday, March 14, 2009

Running for the prize - And my church testimony clip

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.
- 1 Cor 9:24-25

Lately I've been hitting the gym about 3 times a week, though it was amazing I hit the gym 4 times this week. Primarily with the intention to get my health back into shape, secondarily with the intention of physically getting into shape.

And as I hit my first 6 km in my life, I'd love to call it an accomplishment. I did 6km in 45 mins... Some might consider it amazing, but some might beg to differ - they can do better. But for my first 6km in my life ever - I'd love to say it's an achievement.

But through this time with the cardio, I noticed an interesting observation that inspired me to start writing today. Each time I get on the threadmill, I realise that I'm all excited to get the blood rushing and I jog on a tougher intensity. But whenever I hit 8 - 10 minutes, I start to contemplate stopping the machine and slumping into a rest. Between 11 - 17 minutes comes the period where I have a bit of difficulty pressing on and it's the time I decrease the intensity to keep running... and when the 18 min mark is achieved, I urge myself to continue because 20 min is coming. And when 20 min hits, I psychologically deceive myself with "you've got only 10 mins left, if you don't do it now, it's going to be over soon!"

Why am I writing this? For the sake of confusing you? Nope. It just dawns upon me that this mentality I have reflects our walk with God.

The excitment in the first few minutes on embarking this 'run' makes me try all the tough things - a desire to tackle the difficult, a desire to exercise my faith. But as the run continues, different things wear off, and times become harder and there is a need to perservere. That is the time where our minds may contemplate 'stopping the run' (walking away from God) or 'decrease the intensity' (backsliding). But before we drift further away, there is a wake up call - where God reminds us through many different ways that 'if you don't do it now, it will be too late!"

As I have once been through a season of dryness in my life and few months ago come out of it, I see the picture bigger and clearer. I'm not saying that I've known everything, but God did teach me perserverance during the year of 2008, and remembered where I begin the year with the verse 'perserverance, character; and character, hope'. I have come out of a challenging period of my life. But at the same time, embarking on another challenging period in my life.

But one thing I know for sure, is that God is with me, and He loves me too much for me to remain where I am. Even as the Church is embarking on this fast and prayer fortnight, God has already revealed to me so much about my heart condition and helping me to achieve spiritual breakthrough! Today as my brothers and sisters are out at Southbank chilling over a comedy movie, I decided that I should be back here, at home, seeking God and getting myself right with him again.

It's always a journey. But a journey that comes with success after success.

I will have another great testimony of how the Lord worked in my life this season. But even as God embarks me on this journey, may I not forget what the Lord has taught me from the previous season.

Early last month, I was given the awesome privilege to share my testimony in church. And so here is the clip I promised... And if you're wondering where there's so much 'laughing' before I got up to the front.. it's because the chairperson that day made a mistake when introducing me.

Well.. enjoy the clip, and here's my 50 cents entry. Hope it did touch your day.

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