Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Following on from my previous two "melancholic inspired" entries, I thought I either sequel it with another, or colour my page with a bit more light hearten-ness - again, if there's such a word. Not really. Let's see how the entry progresses.

So a relaxing out-of-the-box day I found myself with a couple of friends driving down the country, headed for the East. Yep, Battleship at Victoria Point. A nice lunch at "Kiss My Fish", an overcrowded movie theatre, a relaxing chillax stroll along the Victoria Point jetty, dinner and desserts at Sunnybank for toppings.

At Victoria Point Jetty - Photo credits to Chee
Beautiful clouds at the jetty - Photo credits to Chee

I had fun.

The Princess Metre decides to find it's way back on this draw board. For some words cannot be expressed simply in mere layman structures, for hope that no evidence is left in the expedition for emotional dump tipping. There's always the irony of embracing oneself in a interesting situation. The song she plays on her guitar once every now and then recaps the strategies of pride battling in contrast to the simple softness of human character. The captivating thought of acquiring a gift prematurely constantly sets the cardiovascular system into a parasympathetic nerve response. Yet the power of one's mind can tame the irrational manifest of these synaptic responses. Yes - the power that comes from high above to transform and purify hearts, through the renewal of the mind.

Anyway, I should stop and head to bed. And probably reduce my input of highly undecipherable writing. But it's pretty fun, word play and writing creatively.

Once again.
Signing off... good night world.

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