Monday, January 18, 2010

Blessed by an Awesome God

So I heard from many ones about the horrendous storm last night... somehow I totally slept through it! I'm usually a light sleeper... I must have been really tired last night! Yeah.. kind of.

I thank God so much for the blessings He's given me in my life.. and just reading Shin Yee's blog I got reminded about this shelter that I have over my head, that allowed me to sleep through the whole storm. Even with the Haiti earthquake that happened last week, there are so many ones out there with horrible living conditions that one cannot imagine...

I think of how pampered I am in my own dome. Some times, complaining that the water isn't 'strong' enough... complaining that it's too hot... complaining that the internet connection is down... complaining that the food don't taste as nice.... complains and complains...

But lately I've learnt to be content.. whenever I'm showering, I think about those in different countries who don't even have clean water to drink... yet I'm using clean water to shower.

May God expand my heart to see the needs of the society, and to treasure the things I have been blessed with. I don't need a big house, or a million bucks. But whatever the Lord decides to give me, let me use it to glorify His Kingdom.

God is so good.

On another note... I had my Jap class today... and there was a Japanese spellling test. Oh man.. I got only 2 or 3 out of 10 correct. I'm failing Jap! Oh no.... We'll see how it goes!

Apart from that... I should stop writing and go to bed. Sleep well and rest up for tomorrow's work!

I've been so under-rest lately that I'm taking so long to recover from this cough... and the sore throat might just come back you know! Oh no...

Iight.. goodnight y'all..

Please pray for Evelyn's internship placement to be approved!! She's got an interview this Wednesday!

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