Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Journey of Rap to the Touch of Tears...

You know... I picked up my guitar, thinking of picking up one of my good old Christian rap songs.. maybe work out a couple of strums and plucks and nice hammering..... and pop by a youtube video from my bro. All he said was, "Jin".

Deep down in my heart, Jin means only one thing. No, not alcohol. So, it's not a thing. It's one person. That's Jin.

I clicked the video... and it was JIN. And the title was "From battle rapper to Christian Rapper?!"

I put my guitar aside... and decided, it's TIME TO BLOG!

You know... In the world, I'm just a little nobody. Yes, to different ones, I can be a precious daughter, a precious friend, a precious sister.. and the list goes on... But put my name up on the head lines, who cares?

But I just wanna share, God cares! And He listens...!

Many people asked, "When did you start rapping?"

Can I tell you....? I started rapping when Ifirst heard some Chinese song called "Geylang" in Singapore, by Chew Chor Meng. This man got me rapping... and it was so fun to have words bounce off the tip of my tongue. Then I moved on.... and somewhere down the road, rapped more and more...

Then I came across this dude in F4, whom I 'proclaimed' as my 'god-brother', yes... for y'all who know me, my Vanness Kor Kor. I got further into rap, bouncing off Chinese rap to traces and bits of English rap verses he'd pull of in his songs.

After being opened up to a new realm of English rap, my brother (not Vanness but my REAL brother) introduced me to an American BET program and I stumbled upon this young dude called 'Jin'. Guess what friends, that was the start of my English rap career.. lol, iight, not career.

This man, Jin, fascinated me with his rap flow and the way he freestyled just blew everyone off. He made it big and became known as the 'FIRST CHINESE RAPPER'. And I followed him all the way. No.. I didn't, but I think I had most of his songs.

With him as my inspiration, I started freestyling... I started writing. Along the way I met 'Vietboi - Dau Bu', my American-born Vietnamese web friend, who introduced me to another series and style of rap and freestyle! There was also "Twista" and his Christian rap song, "Hope".

All these people impacted me in a certain way.... and I started writing my FIRST song... which was sang on the 8th September 2007, on Eliza's early birthday celebration. And on the 9th September 2007, I gave my life to our Awesome Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ.

That day, God took my rap to another level, and deep down in my heart, I prayed. God, I can't rap as well as Jin. But only if I could....

"Can I still rap Jin's songs?"
"Can I still sing Vanness' songs?"
"Can I rap Vanness' raps..?"
"Jin's songs are so not godly... I shouldn't be rapping it.."
"But I miss the feel of rapping.. it's ok, I'll just rap Twista's Hope."
 "I really want to freestyle! Can I just start rapping Jin's song..?"

All that struggles within me... Somewhere deep in my heart... a silent prayer was made, "God, please touch these people. It will be so cool if they step out there, and sing and rap the LIGHT to the world!"
(of course that wasn't how I exactly placed the prayer... i forgot how I prayed already.)

I kept the prayer on the shelf.... and once in awhile, prayed for these artistes whenever I thought about them...

Then one day....

I saw Jin on a KTV board at Cybercity one day. I still remember I was with Robin, Cintia and some other HK friends.... and I was pointing at Jin, "Why is he rapping in Cantonese??? I'm sure that's Jin, I'm sure that's him! Isn't he in America???"

And everyone just looked at me as though I was some weirdo... cuz who would care for this 'newbie' who's not really famous in HK? But I kept it somewhere.... on the shelf again...

Some where down the road, a year later after I received Jesus, I got water baptised. And if you remember my Baptism entry (click here to see), I attached more pictures, of my Vanness kor kor's water baptism too. That day I was elated and words just wouldn't express how happy I was to see Vanness re-dedicating his life to God... and making that decision to be a BORN-AGAIN CHRISTIAN!


That day onwards, Vanness just proclaimed his faith to everyone boldly and so many ones were touched and stirred in their faith because of this! He even attended revival meetings with Ps Jaeson Ma, who was the very same pastor that shared the gospel with Edision Chen, who then accepted Christ too!

I was trailing along Vanness' blog every once in awhile, and I noted he had met up with Jin too! I was then praying harder deep within, "God, please use Jin to share your Love and Good News too!"

Once again, after praying, I kept that in the sack.... and ocassionally prayed for Jin.

This video that my brother showed me just brought me so much joy and happiness. I pray y'all see it for yourselves... those who don't know Jin, this is he. Those who know Jin, hope you'll be so touched by his testimony...

I used to think, out of the many ones who inspired me to rap... who did the greatest impact? Yes, Chew Chor Meng did the first step, but Jin was the one who took it to the next level!

Jin's Testimony

God is good!!! I just praised God seeing this. And when he said, "I just want to glorify God and His Greatness.." Oh, my heart just felt it... and I praised God immediately, "Hallelujah!"

It many not be a BIG thing to many of you... but personally, it is a big thing to me... especially when Vanness and Jin are people I've been praying for... seeing them come to know God and to re-encounter with God... and even dedicating their lives to God saying, "God I'm here, use me.", just totally warms my heart...

Go Jin!! Go Van Ness! GO4GOD!!! Yes! Go go go!!

And guess what... even Chew Chor Meng.... he also became a Christian and shared boldy about God's love! To see the video, click here. It's spoken in Singlish... so... mixture of Chinese and English... but... if you understand our accent, maybe you will be able to catch it!! :)

God is good... God is working... and working to this day!!!!

Let us continue to keep these artistes in prayer and pray that we will win the MEDIA back for God!

Yes.. may the artistes glorify God in their work. GO4GOD. And yes, I should stop using Van Ness's cliche now... lol.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WOW!!! This is a real inspiring testimony!!! Thx for sharing sis~~ Never thought about praying for an artist that we admire, but hey, why not?

God can use every single one to touch our lives, and He can use our little voice to touch the Heaven and change this earth...that's my conclusion =)