Monday, November 12, 2012

Almost there...

I have quite a bit going on lately. Many thanks to my awesome God, the Provider of my life. For the past 4 years, the door seemed closed. I've prayed over and over... and I know that one day it would open.

The door has opened... but there are barriers, and obstacles. There are battles I have to fight. I'm praying and praying and fighting so much. This battle will be won, with God.

A bit low on finances lately... It's a good problem. Since the door has finally opened. On one hand, I'm having to be on a tight budget... on the other hand.. I have no complains for what the Lord has done for me. But I'mma keep praying the finances come in... :)

Time is not my best friend now... but my friends have been so encouraging. If God began something, He would call it to completion. Last stretch for this chapter... keep persevering!

It seems like the final stretch is the hardest run...But there's the promise that awaits.

What's this feeling again that returns...?

Maybe it's time to be stripped bare for prayer.

Her heart cries from deep within. Tearing it all apart. No, she wants to just tear it all apart. An unheard roar. Maybe a silent moo.

Need provision... The Lord will Provide. Jehovah Jireh.

Two things. Many thoughts... and then the other thing... beyond the expression of words. The funny things that all occur at once. Friends laugh together with me at the irony of things... or what a friend called 'Prime Season'.

Yet in this season, it seemed like the preparations have been laid many years ago. Not shaken. Still sure and certain of what is right.

Alright, off for now. Write more next time.


这春天引来了太多    可是这朵花     仍然只为他开着

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