Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Friendship... Amiss

She did the discipleship evaluation pathchart...
Looking down the list on accountability friends...
She has them.
But they're all far.

It's been a year or so since it all happened now.
Her search for another heart-knowing still seems tough.

But her walk with the King has left many more footsteps.
Where all around seems distant and far...
When neighbouring voices tower over hers.
When those she confide wouldn't hesitate a bit to correct...
When those she hung around wouldn't hesitate to judge.

Her surroundings feel like dark mist.
No one apart from the King really understands.
At least, no one near.

And maybe it would be difficult to once again reconnect with those who are far.

Where is the next Jonathan who would stick with her through hard times?
Where is the next David who would cry liquid prayers with her?
Covenantal friendship... God loving accountability friend....

She yearns and longs for the friend who would walk this journey with her, who would understand the heart of the King... and who would walk through journeys together - her, the King and the friend.

1 comment:

Shiny said...

.. i can so relate to you when you write this post. it has been my questions since..forever. lol.. i still pray for a such friendship, they are so precious. For me, i felt sometimes God took away them for a reason and a season, sometimes i tend to run to them first for counsel for prayer.. but i felt God really want me to run to Him alone. At times; no doubt He put them there to "Be Jesus" to me when is so hard for me to see Him in that situation. God's way are higher .. He is God; He is Father; He is also our Friend.

who knows He will bring us someone to walk by us once ..again?:)

This is an old....song..that i love...

